WeCare Portable Wheelchair Washer
The simplest, lowest priced, but most effective wheelchair washer for commercial use.
You put a wheelchair in, push the start button; everything is automatic including cleaner and rinse rust inhibitors. Take the wheelchair out after the 2.5 minute full cleaning cycle and by the time you put another wheelchair in the first is practically dry. With no moving parts (except a spray wand) we can provide a 5 year warranty. The WeCare Wheelchair Washer is that simple.
Washer Features
- Wash and rinse equipment in 2.5 minutes.
- Uses continuously clean water.
- Automatically dispenses cleaner, rinser and rust inhibitor.
- Plugs into a standard 110v wall outlet.
- Compact, portable design easily moves through doors.
- Low pressure spray won't affect bearings.
- Engineered for large and small facilities.
Technical Specs
- 2.5 minute full cleaning cycle. Fastest on the market.
- Standard 110v power source.
- Tough stainless steel throughout.
- Heavy duty rolling wheels for portability.
- Durable, long-lasting motor.
- 34" wide and 52" high fits through a standard 36" door
WeCare Cleaning Products
If you purchase a WeCare Wheelchair washer, you’ll need some cleaning agents. Although other cleaning products can work with the WeCare Wheelchair Washer, our cleaning products have been specially formulated to provide the best cleaning of your equipment.
Call us at- 931.787.8147 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central or email us anytime.